Heartland Antique Radio Association

2004 Summer Sizzler

We had a good turn out with over 60 people from 4 states.  We had two new members join at the event.. There was good representation from the OKVRC club.  Boy Scout Troop 301 provided refreshments, and a new welcome banner was posted by the entrance to the fairgrounds.  We also had an unexpected  chance for some of our club members to show their mechanical skills when a water fountain decided to go into the "fountain" mode. A silent auction provided a chance for some bargains.  The weather was good until about midday when it started to rain (just when people were trying to pack up to leave). Click on the pictures below to see a bigger image.

    The swapmeet had interesting items and provided a good opportunity to socialize with other collectors about our hobby.  Click on the pictures below to see a bigger image.

    There were many interesting contest entries.  Jim Collings, William Thomas and Wes Eaton were the judges.  Click on the pictures below to see a bigger image.  

    Eric Coon won the best of show with his 1939 GE HM-185 television receiver.  This is one of 5 units that are known to exist, out of the 500 originally produced.  This model was shown at the 1939 worlds fair.  Click on the picture below to see a bigger image.