HLARA         Heartland Antique Radio Association, Inc.

The February meeting will be 2/20/25 at Asbury Church, 6:30 P.M. Enter at the North entrance. There will be radios in the auction from the Jerome Thomas collection.   Scott Petty will speak about Guglielmo Marconi, the Italian inventor and radio pioneer.

Louise Maddock, daughter of Wayne McGinnis, still has radios and equipment that need new homes. Louise is in Bartlesville. Contact her for information. Lmaddock11@gmail.com

Our monthly Eggs and Electrons Breakfast is on the first Saturday each month at The Big Biscuit, 5335 E 41st Street. Begins at 8:00 AM.

Visit HLARA on Facebook. The Facebook Group Name is Heartland Antique Radio or you can click on this link Facebook Link

Listen to Joe Riddle's Old Time Radio Show every Sunday evening from 6:00 - 9:00 P.M. on KCFO (AM 970). The show is also streamed from the KCFO website.

Asbury North Entrance




HLARA is based in Tulsa and since 2005 has served Northeast Oklahoma and surrounding areas. The objective is to promote the preservation of history, technology, and equipment of the early days of radio. Members share helpful tips on cabinet refinishing and chassis restoration. The monthly meetings feature a presentation on a radio related topic.

Members are always encouraged to bring something for show and tell. Meetings end with an auction of items donated to the club.